If you are looking for psychological, physical, emotional or spiritual care…or perhaps a combination of these… I can help you!

Please have a look over my website and if you think my therapy might be for you or if  you’d like to know more about me and what I do , why not book a free 10 minute call now!

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Why I do what I do !

I believe that the body and mind must work together to maintain homeostasis …which simply means “a stable condition”… the optimal state of being for we humans. It’s where we all want to be so that we can enjoy our lives to the full.

In a nutshell, my aim is to teach you some strategies which will enable you to become aware of the feelings inside your body and enable you to “sit with” the uncomfortable ones rather than suppressing them.  Over time and with practice you will increase your capacity to tolerate painful feelings and you will be able to bring yourself back from a place of overwhelm to a place of safety and calm.


On the spot learning of the best kind!

The body work aspect of my practice (massage ,reflexology,neurosensory exercise) sits extremely well alongside the education I am able to offer you about your nervous system and how to work with it to bring about a state of homeostasis. I encourage my clients to follow their education/chat session with a relaxing massage or reflexology …..both of which demonstrate the power of touch and reinforce what they have learnt about how their nervous system works in terms of relaxing body and mind!

Work with me!

My own experience of several major life changing episodes has enabled me to walk in the shoes of those who are experiencing feelings of anxiety , depression and/or the ongoing effects of past physical or psychological trauma …and I want to pass on what I have learnt to anyone who is keen to work with me .

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Emotional Freedom Technique(s) is a simple and potent stress management tool that can be used to overcome every day concerns, fears or insecurities and to calm the nervous system.

EFT, also known as psychological acupuncture, stimulates various acupuncture points along the Primo Vascular System which is embedded in the fascia of the body. By gentle massaging or tapping on the points while repeating short personal statements, past experiences and traumas can be cleared.

Clinical trials (300+) and research conducted over a decade have shown that clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques can have a profound effect on the nervous system , the production of stress hormones, DNA regulation and brain activation. EFT is now well recognised as being very effective for overcoming phobias and PTSD and
with no side effects!

I recently undertook an intensive training in EB EFT (Evidence Based Emotional Freedom Techniques) which was developed by Dr Peta Stapleton Associate Professor at Bond University training and which is regarded as world’s best.

If you’d like to learn more let me know !